Friday, January 3, 2020

Internet Crime Essay - 1429 Words

Internet Crime New times bring new crimes. Actually, as time moves on and our world becomes more technologically dependant, the same old time-tested crimes evolve to fit the arena of the Net. To be specific, the most common Internet crimes are forgery, assault, fraud, and theft.[1] Identity Identity—it’s our most valuable commodity. It defines who we are and is essential to doing business and carrying on personal relationships. But on the Net, identity is ambiguous. To paraphrase Microsofts ad campaign, Who do you want to be today? More appropriately, who might want to be you today? Email has become the written communication medium of choice for many of us—its fast, cheap, convenient, private, and secure. Right?†¦show more content†¦3- Look carefully at message headers for discrepancies between sender and provider. 4- Learn to use tools such as Whois that let you track down email addresses. 5- Acquire and use encryption software, particularly if you send email containing confidential or sensitive information. Assault A few years ago, a web site that was supposed to be the most secure in the world was broken in to. The site’s welcome screen was replaced by crimson eyes, dripping blood, and sexually explicit imagery, not to mention messages the sites sponsor never would have endorsed. This site was the home page of the U.S. Air Force. Ironically enough the site’s sponsor was the U.S. Department of Defense.[2] Fortunately, the hacker only fouled things up enough to leave the message that the site was not secure. Many times, hackers are not so generous. Another frightening fact is that in the past couple of years, sites like the Justice Department, NASA, and the CIA have been hacked. Email has become a popular vehicle for malicious hacking, much of it in the form of mail bombs. A mail bomb is, simply, an attack unleashed by dumping hundreds or thousands of email messages onto specific addresses. Because mail bomb attacks are automated—after the initial programming, the computer does all the work—it is relatively easy to overwhelm a recipient. In November 1996, a college student at Monmouth University in New Jersey allegedly bombarded UniversityShow MoreRelatedInternet Crimes And The Internet1719 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction The purpose of this research is to discuss about cybercrimes also known as internet crimes. The researcher has taken help from a number of online sources and a few books as well. Firstly, the researcher will discuss about cybercrime, how and when it came in existence. The researcher then will categorize cybercrimes into 2 parts, cyber abuse and cyber-attacks. This in turn has a few subtopics to follow. 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