Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Personal Statement Good Will Hunting - 850 Words

Communications is key to the survival of all relationships. The term used to describe the type of communication that helps maintain relationships is interpersonal. An interpersonal relationship is a relationship between two or more people that have a mutual influence on one another. This paper will discuss two of many interpersonal communication concepts. The two concepts are other-oriented and impersonal communication. Also these concepts will be explained and examples will be given from the movie Good Will Hunting. To start off with, Good Will Hunting is a story about an intelligent young man who struggles with finding his identity. Will the main character is an orphan who was abused as a child, and now as a young adult can’t seem to stay out of trouble. He is able to solve any mathematical problem and memorize everything he reads, but he can’t solve his issues. In the movie Will encounters three people that change his life a professor, a counselor, and a girl. This paper will focus on the relationship he has with the professor and the relationship he has with the counselor. To continue, two interpersonal communication concepts that stood out in the movie were other-oriented and impersonal communication. Other-oriented is to be aware of the other person’s needs, emotions, culture, etc. Impersonal communication is when we treat others as objects or respond to their roles instead of as a unique person. In this movie the counselor was other oriented when it came to Will.Show M oreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Hunting1573 Words   |  7 Pagesmay say hunting is cruel and barbaric, have they ever thought about the upsides to be gained from hunting? While this is a topic that can be argued viciously back and forth, I believe hunters win the argument. Deer hunting keeps the population down, protects farmers’ crops, boosts economic sales, betters a person’s mental health, and teaches lifelong lessons on respect. 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