Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Personal Statement Good Will Hunting - 850 Words

Communications is key to the survival of all relationships. The term used to describe the type of communication that helps maintain relationships is interpersonal. An interpersonal relationship is a relationship between two or more people that have a mutual influence on one another. This paper will discuss two of many interpersonal communication concepts. The two concepts are other-oriented and impersonal communication. Also these concepts will be explained and examples will be given from the movie Good Will Hunting. To start off with, Good Will Hunting is a story about an intelligent young man who struggles with finding his identity. Will the main character is an orphan who was abused as a child, and now as a young adult can’t seem to stay out of trouble. He is able to solve any mathematical problem and memorize everything he reads, but he can’t solve his issues. In the movie Will encounters three people that change his life a professor, a counselor, and a girl. This paper will focus on the relationship he has with the professor and the relationship he has with the counselor. To continue, two interpersonal communication concepts that stood out in the movie were other-oriented and impersonal communication. Other-oriented is to be aware of the other person’s needs, emotions, culture, etc. Impersonal communication is when we treat others as objects or respond to their roles instead of as a unique person. In this movie the counselor was other oriented when it came to Will.Show M oreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Hunting1573 Words   |  7 Pagesmay say hunting is cruel and barbaric, have they ever thought about the upsides to be gained from hunting? While this is a topic that can be argued viciously back and forth, I believe hunters win the argument. Deer hunting keeps the population down, protects farmers’ crops, boosts economic sales, betters a person’s mental health, and teaches lifelong lessons on respect. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Character of Hamlet in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay

Character of Hamlet in Shakespeares Hamlet Hamlet is a man of many discoveries. The tragic hero in Shakespeares Hamlet undergoes many changes throughout the play. His mindset is set deep and far away from the physical world that both helps him and hinders him in his plight for revenge against his uncle, Claudius, and his mother. When Hamlet is first introduced in Act I, Scene II, the reader is shown the depths of his sorrow. The King asks Hamlet How is it that the clouds still hang on you and the Queen tells him to Cast thy nighted color off. By these comments one can envision Hamlet as someone who appears and radiates out his sorrow over his fathers death. Hamlet lets the reader know that his sorrow runs much†¦show more content†¦O, most wicked speed, to post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets! He thinks that no good has been brought forth from this marriage and it is the cause of his own speculations surrounding the cause of his fathers death. It is not until after Hamlet encounters the ghost that a plot for revenge is calculated against Claudius. The ghost of Hamlets father lets him know the fashion in which he was murdered by his brother, thy uncle stole, with juice of cursed hebona in a vial, and in the porches of my ears did pour the leprous distilment. The ghost tells Hamlet to not Let the royal bed of Denmark be a couch for luxury and damned incest. And also to neither Taint thy mind nor let thy soul contrive against thy mother. Hamlet now having the knowledge of how his father was murdered and a final wish from his father he vows to from the table of my memory Ill wipe away all trivial fond records, All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past that youth and observation copied there And thy commandment all alone shall live. This act seems very dedicated at the surface but takes away from Hamlet the motive to continue living after the deed is done. With nothing in him other than an order for revenge, there is no passion in him to back up what must be done. This removal of all other thoughts hinders Hamlets ability to carry out the commandment.Show MoreRelated Hamlet: The Character of Claudius in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay1330 Words   |  6 PagesHamlet: The Character of Claudius  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Of all the characters in Shakespeares Hamlet, perhaps the role of Claudius is the most intriguing and crucial. Claudius is the most controversial, the most mysterious and the most talked about character in this play. Many people look at Claudius and only see a villain, but there are additional sides to him that are often overlooked: Claudius the father, the husband, the ruler and the mortal individual. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Feminist Postcolonial Approach In Toni Morrisons Novels Essay free essay sample

The writer is of the position that 3rd wave feminism which includes black feminism is a talking back to the white Westerns. The African American authors by composing back to the political orientations set by the colonisers did good in their plants of fiction.Toni Morrison, an African American novelist in her novels did a fantastic occupation of composing back. The present writer defined foremost of all the thoughts of civilization and imperialism discoursing the conceopt of Edward Said, Homi K. Bhabha and many other intellectuals who strove hard to bring forth fantastic plants of unfavorable judgment in which they pointed out the political orientations structured by the West. Gayatri Spivik s Subaltern s survey is besides discussed. and applied to Morrison s selected plant of literature.The writer pointed a few cardinal point of postcolonial feminism and tried to demo them in Toni Morrison s novels in order to turn out his docket that Morrison is a truly a prima figure whose works show Feminist Postcolonial Approach. Cardinal words: Postcolonial feminism, Black feminism, individuality, race, gender, Subaltern, mothering. Fore Word -A Writing back by an Afrcian kid I want to get down my paper with a verse form which was written by an African kid, and was nominated for the Best Poem of 2008. The rubric of the verse form is Color which is a speak back attitude to the white:When I born, I black ;When I grow up, I black ;When I go in Sun, I black ;When I scared, I black ;When I sick, I black ;And when I die, I black ;And you white chaps ;When you born, you pink,When you grow up, you white,When you go in Sun, you red,When you cold, you blue ;When you scared, you yellow ;When you sick, you green ;When you die, you grey ;And you call me colored. chapter One: Introduction The present paper is about an analysis colonialism, imperialism, feminism, and postcolonial feminism. Postcolonial feminism is besides called as Third World Feminism or Black Feminism. The writer foremost of all explains the thought of colonialism harmonizing to the Professor Edward Said that he discussed in his work Colonialism and Imperialism in which Said defines the colonialism and imperialism. Said gives in item the political orientation of the West how they structured the double stars resistances and gave the construct of Orientalism by proposing the thought of educating the others. Homi K. Bhabha gives the construct of hybridity and Gayatari Spivik s celebrated work of Subaltern can talk are discussed in the undermentioned research paper.The writer besides explained the cardinal points of postcolonial feminism in this paper and so with the mention of different authors discussed Toni Morrison s novels in the visible radiation of these outstanding characteristics of postcolonial feminism.First of all the writer analyzed Toni Morrison s novel The Bluest Eyes and showed the elements of postcolonial feminism race, gender, and individuality in this novel. The wr iter is of the position that Pecola s want to hold Blue eyes is an flight from racism and to pass over out all ugliness non merely from her community but from all the universe. The following novel that is analyzed is Sula in which once more the writer tried to demo the salient characteristics of postcolonial feminism that is to talk back or demoing the importance of female characters in the signifier of Sula and other female characters. The writer from the original text proved that the white common people in fact brought all the inkiness.The 3rd novel which is discussed with mention to the postcolonial feminism is The Beloved, in which the key construct of postcolonial feminism is discussed is mother-daughter relationship and thought of fussing which is discussed with the mention of Morrison s theory of Mothering taken from her interviews is discussed.Finally the writer concludes the paper in which he gives his happening about Toni Morrison and her novels that her plants are true representative of postcolonial feminism. Chapter Two: Colonialism and Postcolonial Explained PROFESSOR SAID says that his purpose is to put plants of art of the imperialist and post-colonial epochs into their historical context. My method is to concentrate every bit much as possible on single plants, to read them foremost as great merchandises of the originative and interpretative imaginativeness, and so to demo them as portion of the relationship betweenA cultureA and imperium. ( Said, 22 )If we observe the basic theory behind the postcolonial feminism we will come to the point that this theory itself is supported by the theories of depth psychology, Marxist-feminism and post-colonialism. In this paper I am traveling to follow out the Feminist Postcolonial Approach in Toni Morrison s novels. The writer is of the position that Toni Morrison being an African American author focused her work on the above mentioned attack.Before we progress it is necessary to travel through the chief thought and the chief points which are the anchor of the postcolonial womens rightist attack and before that we have to discourse in item the characteristics of colonialism, post-colonialism and feminism.If we try to happen out the roots of Postcolonialism we will come to the point that postcolonialism is specially a postmodern rational discourse dwelling reactions to and analysis of cultural bequest of colonialism and imperialism. In anthropology it can be defined as the dealingss between states and countries being colonized and ruled . It comprises a set of theories that are found amongst history, anthropology, doctrine, linguistics, movie, political scientific discipline, architecture, human geographics, sociology, Marxist theory, feminism, spiritual and theological surveies, and literature.To destabilising Western ways of thought in order to make infinite for the junior-grade, or marginalized groups, to show and bring forth replacements to overruling discourse is the critical nature of postcolonial theory. Often postcolonialism as a term is taken to intend merely a clip span after colonialism. This thing creates a job because the one time colonised universe is full of contradictions, of half-finished procedures, of confusions, of hybridity, and liminal ties . In order words, it is suggested that the word postcolonialism has plural nature as it does non merely mention to the period after the colonial ear.The end of a theoretician is to happen out the residuary effects of colonialism on civilizations and therefore the chief aims of such theoreticians are to account for and battling these effects on the civilizations. It does non merely intend to happen out the historic facets of these countries but it besides comprises how these countries can travel beyond this period together, towards a topographic point of mutual regard.The chief aim of these theoretician is do uncluttering infinite for the multiple voices of these countries and these were the voices which were antecedently sile nced by the dominant ideologies-subalterns and among these discourses as is recognized this infinite should be cleared within the academe. In his book Orientalism, Edward Said explained really clearly that bookmans who studied what used to be called the Orient ( largely Asia ) wholly overlooked the appraisals of those they really studied while preferring alternatively to trust on the rational high quality of themselves and their equals which was the attack forged by the European imperialism. It is recognized by many of the post-colonial minds that there are many premises which are underlying the logic of colonialism and these are the forces which are active today. This is besides argued by many of the minds that analyzing both the cognition sets of the dominant groups and those who are marginalized as binary antonyms maintains their presence as homogeneous objects. Homi K. Bhabha therefore emphasized his docket that merely hybridity can offer the most profound challenge to colonialism. He thinks that the postcolonial universe should valorize infinites of mingling ; infinites where fact and legitimacy move aside for ambiguity. ( Bhabha, 1994 ) . What is left by Bhabha is offered by Spivak s as the docket of utility of essentialism. Chapter Three: African American Studies and Postcolonialism A Need To Talk Back Colonial racism is no different from any other racism. says A Frantz Fanon and if we compare African American Studies and postcolonial surveies we will come to cognize that though they belong to different Fieldss but they portion a batch refering a end of destabilising racial hierarchies and arguments refering the relationship between the coloniser and the colonized is precisely the same as that of between Masterss and slaves in a bondage. Even within the United States and other country which are known as postcolonies we find the current world of favoritism and racism towards minorities or populations of minority joins these two surveies together through neocolonialism.Precarious of current American educational policy, a outstanding black womens rightist Bell Hooks provinces, I believe that black experience has been and continues to be one of internal colonialism ( 148 ) . The necessity to decolonise the attitude of contemporary America fuels bing attempts in recovering and recup erating minority history and literature. Hazel Carby in her Reconstructing Womanhood: The Emergence of African-american Woman Novelist points New sociological and literary attacks to history go good methods for repossessing the past and copying culturally sensitive paradigms for the futureCritics like Henry Louis Gates, Barbara Christian, Ella Shohat and Homi K. Bhabha are associated through a demand to speak back . Another cardinal inquiry in postcolonial feminism is who speaks for whom and whose voices are heard in treatments of Third World adult females s issues. The deficiency of voice given to Third World adult females remains a job as does the failure of Western adult females to problematise the function of the West in the issues discussed. The inquiry of voice was raised by Gayatri Spivak in her influential essay Can the Subaltern Speak? ( 1988 ) in which she analyses the dealingss between the discourses of the West and the possibility of speech production of ( or for ) the junior-grade adult female ( Spivak: 271 ) . Race and Multiculturalism in Academia: Writing Back Toni Morrison, Marlene van Niekerk, and Anthony Appiah are considered to be the Pen World voices in the PEN WORLD VOICES FESTIVAL 2010. The issues such as representation, patriotism and essentialism are fleshed out from African American Studies and Postcolonial surveies and hence literature and literary theory under the nucleus of these subjects become beginnings of for such societal commentary. Nation-making and redefinition of state, along-with the befoging between public and privy infinites are among common topics, critics in both Fieldss are fast to indicate to the jeopardies of hastily dispatching this literary work every bit political.Gates writes of a demand to disperse the myth of supposed primacy of Western tradition over the alleged non-canonical tradition such as that of the African-american . Especially cognizant of the dangers of essentialism in his book The Signifying Monkey, Gates surveies the demand to make a new narrative infinite for stand foring the repeating referent of African-american literature, the alleged Black Emperience ( Gates,111 ) .Similarly, critical of essentialism, Homi Bhabha, a projecting Cultural Studies and Postcolonial critic, connects the two Fieldss together as he comments: The intercession of postcolonial or black review is aimed at transforming the conditions of diction at the degree of the signaˆÂ ¦not merely puting up new symbols of individuality, new positive images that fuel an unthinking identity political relations ( Bhabha, 247 ) Bhabha and Toni Morrison Bhabha even conducts a item reading of Toni Morrison s Beloved in the debut of The Location of Culture. Scholarship does so cover in exciting ways between these two Fieldss. Much in the same manner Toni Morrison s Playing in the Dark examines and counts the ways in which white selfhood in literary America is farther established by realizing black happening.Edward Said s Orientalism seek to demo that European civilization gained in strength and individuality by puting itself off against the Orient as a kind of alternate and even belowground ego ( Said,3 ) Gender The occasion of race, ethnicity and gender political relations has shaped disputing arguments in the plants of Bell Hooks, Barbara Christian, and Shirley Anne Williams every bit good as in the work of Gayatri Spivak and Chandra T. Mohanty. Patriarchy frequently becomes a symbol, a figure of speech of power unfairness and the wrongdoer for the ailments of colonialism and neocolonialism. Bell Hooks provinces in Outlaw Culture, For modern-day critics to reprobate the imperialism of the white coloniser without reviewing partriarchy is a tactic that seeks to minimise the peculiar ways gender determines the specific signifiers subjugations may take within a specific group ( Hooks, 203 )There is besides a hazard of totalising along with this intersection. Barbara Christian in Race for Theory that attendings against essentialist buildings of black muliebrity, equates the dangers of an excessively stiff black feminism to the colossal, monotheistic Black Arts Movement of the sixtiess and 70s. Chardra Mohantly needs against the same essentializing exercising in the turning discourse on Third World feminism. Negotiations of category are likewise called for in both Fieldss of survey. Unusually, Hooks comments upon what she sees as an neglected job in cross-cultural feminist treatment in Hankering: Race, Gender, and Cultural Politicss. She states, We frequently forget that many Third World subjects bring to this state the same sort of disdain and discourtesy for inkiness that is most often associated with white imperialism . ( Hooks, 93 ) Chapter Four: Postcolonial Feminism and Black feminism Postcolonial Feminism is besides called as Third World Feminism which is a signifier of feminist doctrine and is concerned about the thought that colonialism, racism and long permanent effects of colonialism in the postcolonial scenes, are bound up with the alone gendered worlds of colored and non-Western adult females. Postcolonialism criticizes Western womens rightists as they have a history of universalising adult females s issues, and their discourses are frequently misunderstood to stand for adult females world-widely.Black FeminismA argues that sexism, category subjugation, and racismA are inextricably bound together.A The manner these relate to each other is called intersectionality. Forms of feminism that strive to get the better of sexism andA classA subjugation but ignore race can know apart against many people, including adult females, through racial prejudice. The Combahee River CollectiveA argued in 1974 that the release of black adult females entails freedom for all people, since it would necessitate the terminal of racism, sexism, and category subjugation. ( Wikipedia )Postcolonialism gives the thought that the term woman is used as a cosmopolitan group and that they are merely described by their gender and non by societal categories and cultural individualities. It is besides belie ved that the mainstream Western womens rightists ignored the voices of colored, non-western adult females for many old ages, therefore making bitterness womens rightists in developing states. Postcolonialism involves the descriptions of many experiences endured during colonialism which include migration, opposition, bondage, difference, gender, race, topographic point, representation, suppression, and responses to the influential discourses of imperial Europe. Postcolonial womens rightists observe the analogues between late decolonized states and the province of adult females within patriarchy-both take the position of a socially marginalized subgroup in their relationship to the dominant civilization.Postcolonial womens rightist have had strong ties with black womens rightists because colonialism normally contains subjects of racism. Both groups have struggled for acknowledgment, non merely by me in their ain civilization, but besides by Western. ( Wikipedia ) .Therefore it can be said that Postcolonialism discusses the issues of the adult females of those countries which were one time the settlements of the West and it lumps up together all the adult females of the uni verse. Feminism raises this docket that all the adult females of the universe have their ain particular individuality and they should be regarded as independent personality apart from their sex and gender but postcolonial womens rightist besides see that the destiny of colored and non-western adult females is different from the adult females of the West as theses colored and non-western adult females are non basking the rights as the adult females of mainstream are basking. Postcolonial womens rightist attack gives rights of raising their voices which were one time silenced by the colonisers.It can be inferred that as adult females were double colonized in the epoch of colonisation by their ain male members of the society, and these colored and non-western adult females were thrice colonized as they were considered less than the white adult females. ( Web ) Chapter Five: Postcolonial Feminist Approach in Toni Morrison s Novels Larry Schwartz in his essay compares Toni Morrison s art of composing with William Faulkner s art of composing although in her interview Toni Morrison claimed that she is non similar Faulkner but the deep survey of her novels prove this fact.Toni Morrison being an African American author is considered to be one of the celebrated postcolonial womens rightist authors who touched the really thought of raising voice of pent-up group of the black adult females. Her novels BelovedA is considered by many to be her most impressive work of literature to day of the month ( winning the Pulitzer Prize in 1988 ) , she has besides written many award-winning novels includingA The Bluest Eye, Sula, Song of Solomon, Jazz, Tar Baby, A andA Paradise. LikeA Beloved, most of Morrison s work trades with the battles of African Americans, particularly adult females ( web ) . The Bluest Eye ( 1970 ) Toni Morrison in her novel The Bluest Eye highlights the thought of racism. In the colonial period the bequests of colonialism were systematically bound with racism. In this fresh Morrison really clearly depicts the effects of the bequest of 19th century classical racism for hapless black people in the United States.In the novel the girl of a hapless black household, Pecola Breddlove, internalizes white criterions of beauty to the extent that she go brainsick about it and tire a want to hold bluish eyes. The thought is really clear that binary resistances structured by the Western White category refering the beauty and ugliness are still at work. Even today we people think to be white is the criterion of beauty. In the binary resistances like man/woman, white/back, Occidental/Oriental, Rich/poor and such like those all the elements on the left of the saloon are considered to be the supreme while the elements on the right are marginalized or rendered as Others. Pecola is seen so influenced by these double stars that she tries to get away from this so called or structured ugliness of her ain society or race of coloring material. Her fervent want for bluish eyes comes to stand for her wish to get away the racialist, unloving, hapless environment in which she lives. For a long clip mainstream white Western feminism paid negligible attending to the job of race.Racism was considered secondary to patriarchy and had been one of the biggest jobs of the colored adult females. Many white adult females were of the claim that they did non see unsimilarity or to move upon it. It took a long, difficult hassle by black adult females to hold racism included on the feminist docket. One of the most moving and influential reviews of white satisfaction came in 1980 from the extremist black sapphic womens rightist Audre Lorde: By and big within the adult females s motion today, white adult females focus upon their subjugation as adult females and disregard difference of race, sexual penchant, category and age. There is a pretence to a homogeneousness of experience covered by the word sistership that does non in fact exist ( Lorde, 116 )Morrison in the fresh attempts to explicate why Pacola wanted to hold bluish eyes, allow us see the following lines which are taken from ChapterA 3A of the Autumn subdivision:It had occurred to Pecola some clip ago that if her eyes, those eyes that held the images, and knew the sights-if those eyes of hers were different, that is to state, beautiful, she herself would be differentHere the storyteller tells about Pecola non merely wanted to hold bluish eyes to look beautiful but in fact it was her believing that with bluish eyes everything will besides alter. These bluish oculus speak about her want to hold autonomy non from ugliness of inkiness but the ugliness of the dark ideas and her desires to convey in a alteration in her black society.Toni Morrison is of the position that beauty and ugliness are the affairs of seeing and to be seen and both are linked with eyes. It is a celebrated expression: When you look with loving eyes all the universe looks lovely. The same thought is discussed in The Bluest Eyes where Pecola wants to look everything beautiful and to be looked attractively. Her ain community that was colonized are non colonising Pecola due to her inkiness though her internal part was non black as she wholly internalized whiteness. The thought is besides seen in the Heart of Darkness where the symbols of black and white colorss depict Conrad s point of inward inkiness and whiteness. Morrison uses the same technique by demoing Pecola s internalizing whiteness. Here it is besides clear that solid leaning of white adult females to disrespect racism was an consequence of white privilege- a point adult females of coloring material were forced to do repeatedly: As Third World adult females we clearly have a different relationship to racism than white adult females, but all of us are born into an environment where racism exists. Racism affects all of our lives, but it is merely white adult females who can afford to stay unmindful to these effects. The remainder of us have had it take a breathing or shed blooding down our cervixs. ( Moraga and Anzaldua 1981: 62 )There is another cardinal factor of postcolonial feminism in the novel as Pecola is raped by her ain male parent who did all this in the consequence of that humiliation that he suffered when he was holding sex first clip and was humiliated by two white work forces. Thus patriarchate is seen in this force which is done to Pecola as she is colonized by her ain male parent. Pecola s colza i s the word picture of devastation of cultural individuality of the Black community.Similarly, the seeds of marigold which did non bloom is besides a word picture of colonisation as their ain dirt did non allow those seeds to blossom as was commented by Claudia, Frieda and hence Pecola which is besides a cogent evidence of ineligibility of their ain black community. Pecola is a hope of decolonisation as she wanted to be heard, to be seen beautiful and her bastard offspring is a symbol of her wish which was non allowed to be born.Toni Morrison here wants to picture that Black society was hebdomad at that as they did non let Pecola to boom and this thing compares the novel with Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart where Okonko was non supported by his ain kin. All what is done with Pecola is true image of Black feminism. Sula ( 1974 ) In the present novel the female characters are the incarnations of the matriarchal authoritative of adult females. The fresh depicts the societal jobs that were and are present in the society. Morrison tries to picture that these female characters attenuate the male characters. Eva, Helene, Hannah and Sula all represent such figures which are the drive forces which precede the secret plan of the novel. Morrison wants to demo that all the members of the society are the of import ingredients who add spirit to the society. All the female characters are made cardinal in the fresh hence this fresh proves to be a pure illustration of novels of postcolonial womens rightist novel.Harmonizing to the station colonial theory the female portion must talk back to the so called norms which are carved out by the males. The fresh gives an exact illustration of junior-grade can talk as the chief character Sula is the symbol of such a individual who being a female has power to take her ain manner of life as she went off and comes back and proves herself such a individual which is needed by the society.The novel shows that all the female characters of the novel are so of import portion of the Black community and their being is necessary for adhering the society together. Sula besides maintains the mutuality and intimacy of the society with its members.Sula will open your eyes to societal jobs which exist in the present twenty-four hours. The adult females in the book such as Eva, Helene, Sula and Hannah represent the matriarchal important adult females, weakening the male characters. Women drive the action in the narrative and give their importance in the household. They present their importance in the Black community and their being in adhering it together.Morrison besides shows in the novel the death of inkiness when Sula says: You think I do nt cognize what your life is like merely because I ai nt populating it? I know what every coloured adult female in this state is making. What s that? Dying. , Just like me. But the difference is they deceasing like a stump. Me, I m traveling down like one of those redwoods. I sure did populate in this universe. ( 143 )These words spoken by Sula on her deathbed which she expressed to Nes her ideas refering her ideas about the life manners that was accepted and the places of adult females in Medallion. The line speaks deceasing old system.ASula besides establishes the intimacy and mutuality of the community with its members. The novels shows that each and every member is merely like a spice that gives particular spirit and smell to the community and which is indispensable for the society. In Sula all the characters including Shadrack and the Deweys give every person importance in the community. Therefore Sula proves to be full of such groundss which proves that there are elements of 3rd universe feminism in the novel as Sual s actions are the surrogates of her voices which were silenced before.Chris Weedon in her article Key Issues in Postcolonial Feminism: A Western Perspective writes that: in 1984 Black American womens rightist Barbara Smith radius of being portion of a Third World feminist motion: And non merely am I speaking about my sisters here in the United States-American Indian, Latina, Asiatic American, Arab American-I am besides speaking about adult females all over the Earth -third World Feminism has enriched non merely the adult females it apples to, but besides political pattern in general ( Smith:27 ) . Thus the Third World Feminism is giving all the adult females particularly the Black 1s power and assurance to talk and now they are non silenced as were before. ( Weedon ) . The Beloved ( 1987 ) The word picture of Morrison s theory of African American mothering articulate in her novels, essays and interviews Mothering is considered to be one of several cardinal points of thoughts of postcolonial feminism which is highlight in the present novel The Beloved . The novels is set after theA American Civil WarA ( 1861-1865 ) , it is inspired by the narrative of an African-AmericanA slave, A Margaret Garner, who temporarily escaped bondage during 1856 in Kentucky by flying to Ohio, aA free province. A posse arrived to recover her and her kids under theA Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which gave slave proprietors the right to prosecute slaves across province boundary lines. Margaret killed her two-year-old girl instead than let her to be recaptured. ( Wikipedia ) .In the novel Sethe in an effort to salvage her kids from bondage slaughters her firstborn girl and it is assumed in the novel that her girl return as a shade named Beloved because the same word was inscribed on the caput rock of her grave. The fresh depict the female parent girl relationship which is the 1 of the cardinal cardinal points of postcolonial feminism. The maternal bonds between Sethe and her kids suppress her ain individualization and forestall the development of her ego. Sethe develops a unsafe maternal passion that consequences in the slaying of one girl, her ain best ego, and the alienation of the lasting girl from the black community, both in an effort to salve her phantasy of the hereafter, her kids, from a life in bondage. However, Sethe fails to acknowledge her girl Denver s demand for interaction with this community in order to come in into muliebrity. Denver eventually succeeds at the terminal of the novel in set uping her ain ego and shiping on her individualization with the aid of Beloved. Contrary to Denver, Sethe merely becomes individuated after Beloved s dispossession, at which point Sethe can to the full accept the first relationship that is wholly for her, her relationship with Paul D. This relationship relieves Sethe from the resulting devastation of herself that resulted from the maternal bonds commanding her life. ( Demetrakopoulos, pp. 51-59 )Motherhood, in Morrison s position, is basically and deeply an act of opposition, indispensable and built-in to black adult females s battle against racism and sexism and their ability to accomplish wellbeing for themselves and their civilization. The power of maternity and the authorization of fussing are what make possible the better universe we seek for ourselves and for our kids. This, argues OReilly, is Morrison s maternal theory-a political relations of the bosom. ( OReilly )In malice of the mothering, the novel besides depicts the subject of bondage and its mayhem which is seen as devastation of individuality. It besides shows the importance of linguistic communication and community solidarity.Toni Morrison besides depicts the inkiness hidden under the white teguments of the White people which is apparent from the undermentioned line taken from Chapter 19, at the beginning of Part II, AWhite people believed that whatever the manners, under every dark tegument was a jungle. Swift unnavigable Waterss, singing shouting baboons, kiping serpents, ruddy gums ready for their sweet white blood. In a manner. . . they were right. . . . But it was nt the jungle inkinesss brought with them to this topographic point. . . . It was the jungle whitefolks planted in them. And it grew. It spread. . . until it invaded the Whites who had made it. . . . Made them bloody, silly, worse than even they wanted to be, so scared were they of the jungle they had made. The shouting baboon lived under their ain white tegument ; the ruddy gums were their ain.Stamp Paid here consider the ways in which bondage in fact corrupts the individuality and he it was the jungle whitefolk planted in them. And it grew and spread . The thought is really clear as is apparent in Heart of Darkness where Joseph Conrad tried to state the same thing that the white were black from within and the same thought we find in Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare where Portia s image was in Lead, a black stuff, and in Othelo, Iago was white from without and was black from within. Here Morrison tells the same thing that merely white chaps were in fact black from within. It is an disposed composing back to the White colonisers which is a outstanding characteristic of postcolonial womens rightist authorship. Decision: It is apparent from the above traveling treatment that Toni Morrison s plants are based on the postcolonial feminism in which she really skilfully highlighted the thought of gender, race, sex and individuality and likewise she besides highlights the constructs of talking back and doing a infinite among white feminism. As the mainstream white feminism at foremost could non give proper place to colored and non-Western adult females, black feminism became able to raise their voice and were able to even compose back and therefore succeeded in doing their ain individuality.Toni Morrison hence secures a really disposed place among the postcolonial womens rightist who helped these thrice colonized black adult females to stand up for doing their ain individuality.The above mentioned three novels besides show the decease of the supporter. The decease in besides a subject of Toni Morrison s novels which is besides meaningful as the bondage is the devastation of individuality which is depicted by decease of the characters.The above discussed novels cover show many cardinal points of postcolonial feminism.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Strawberry Festival Essay Example

Strawberry Festival Essay The most popular fruit in the berry world are strawberries. Strawberries are one of the most popular fruits in the world; they are popular between April and July. Strawberries not only add flavoring to foods but they are also healthy and very tasteful. There are more than 600 types of strawberries that vary in shape, size, texture, flavor and coloring. Strawberries are very elegant fruits; many use strawberries by dipping them in chocolate, smoothies, strawberry shortcakes and more. However, an event that I have attended where people have come together to share an interest in something that they all enjoy is the strawberry festival. The strawberry festival is held once a year in Troy, Ohio at their local fairgrounds. Fulton Farms, just outside of Troy is known to have one of the largest strawberry fields east of the Mississippi River. People come out every year the first weekend of June to savor the fun and great taste of the celebration because it is a great time to celebrate the berry harvest. The strawberry festival is one of the top festivals in Southern Ohio and gets a tremendous amount of families and friends to come out every year. The strawberry festival started in 1977, guest would attend the festival to enjoy the variety of arts and crafts booths, athletic competitions, and entertainment. The types of entertainment included, carnival rides, games, riding the boat, enjoy the various interactive exhibits, contests, and free entertainment. On the other hand, the biggest reason for the guest to be in attendance at the strawberry festival is to enjoy the wide variety of foods made with strawberries. We will write a custom essay sample on Strawberry Festival specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Strawberry Festival specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Strawberry Festival specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This festival brings the community together in a way to where they can socialize, have fun, and learn how strawberries bring a great significance and taste to different foods. People come from many other cities to Troy in order to mingle in such festivities as the strawberry festival. Even though it is a community festival others are welcome to join and enjoy this occasion. This event gives a lot of people a something to do and a reason to get out the house on a nice summer day to appreciate all the things the festival has to offer. It gives families and friends a chance to bond and get involved with different activities. The families that come to the festival likes to relish the wonderful strawberry flavored foods and drinks. The parents love the fact that their kids have a great time playing the games and riding the rides the festival has. People also come to participate in the contest they have there. There is a parade for everyone to watch to compliment the other activities accessible for the people. Members from each non-profit group young and old work together to prepare their booths, sell their patrons, and reap the fruits of their labor. There are many different venders that come to set up shop on the fairgrounds of Troy, Ohio. These venders come from different cities around Ohio, and they each have their own business they run for the people to enjoy. Different venders create foods (using strawberries as a primary ingredient) that people try and enjoy. The most popular food at the festival is the strawberry doughnut. There are many different strawberry doughnut venders and there is always a long line at each one. Although the doughnuts are the most popular, it doesn’t stop the people from enjoying the many other foods that other venders have. There are over 55 booths offering a variety of foods from strawberry pizza, strawberry salsa, to strawberry kabobs. There are strawberry funnel cakes, strawberry BBQ sauce, strawberry cotton candy, strawberry burritos, and they even have strawberry sushi. They also make a lot of strawberry flavored beverages both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. These venders celebrate strawberries as a fruit that they can create foods with no matter if it’s fried, baked, short caked, ice blended, chocolate dipped, sliced, or funnel caked. Over 150,000 people come to enjoy these foods and they consume 45,000 strawberry shortcakes, 165,000 strawberry doughnuts, 8,000 chocolate covered strawberries, and 3,500 chicken dinners. The festival puts together a number of athletic completion events the people could participate in during the weekend festivities. There is a big wheel race and a bed race that is held The Friday of the festival. On the Saturday of the festival starting early in the morning there is a softball tournament, volleyball, tennis shootout, pie eating contest, a children’s treasure hunt, and strawberry kid’s crawl. On Sunday a 10k run is held, a shortcake run his held, and another softball tournament is held. The shortcake run is a 2,000-meter run to troy high school. There is also a diaper derby, a Kid’Atholon, kiddie tractor pull, a talent show, a back seat driving contest, and a duck race. The strawberry festival also has a bulk of carnival rides the people can enjoy as they walk around the fairgrounds. The various amusement rides that the strawberry festival offers are the merry go round, swings, and the strawberry patch ride. The strawberry patch ride it is sort of like the spider at Kings Island. This ride was pretty much the main attraction at the strawberry fest so many children wait in line in order to ride the ride. It also was a main attraction because it fit in really well with the theme of the festival, strawberries. The festival also offered swimming, for those who want to get a little wet. There is a water park right next door to the fairground that contributes their facility to this event to help raise money. Along with swimming the water park has canoe races and boat rides that people like to participate in. The strawberry festival is also known for its wide variety of arts and crafts for everyone. There is over 250 artisans display and sell their quality-handcrafted items. You will find woodworking, metal crafts, jewelry, and pottery at many different booths at the event. You will also find children’s items, items for pets, glassware and many other handcrafted items. There is a host of artist there from over 12 states that participate in the annual Troy Strawberry Festival. The festival also hosts a Strawberry Queen Pageant for girls who wish to participate. The strawberry festival is more than just a weekend of eating strawberry flavored foods and fun. This festival serves as a major fund raising event for many of the areas community and charitable groups. The revenues go toward upgraded computers, new sports uniforms, band instruments, and buses for field trips and team competitions. It is also used for Boy Scouts, Senior Citizens Center, and Habitat for Humanity construction and repairs, after school music programs, and more. This festival has grown and continued to stay true to its mission of giving back to the community.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

HEALY Last Name Meaning and Origin

HEALY Last Name Meaning and Origin The popular Irish surname Healy, is a shortened form of OHealy, an anglicized form of one of the following: (1) the Gaelic surname  Ãƒâ€œ hÉilidhe, meaning descendant of the claimant, from the Gaelic  Ãƒ ©ilidhe, meaning claimant. The  Ãƒâ€œ hÉilidhe clan originated in  Connaught. (2) the Gaelic surname  Ãƒâ€œ hÉalaighthe, meaning descendant of  Ãƒâ€°aladhach, a given name likely derived from ealadhach, meaning ingenious. The  Ãƒâ€œ hÉalaighthe clan originated in Munster. Healy is now rarely found with the O prefix, such as OHealy, OHaly or OHely, all common forms of the surname up to the end of the seventeenth century. Healy may also be a geographical English surname for any of the places named  Healey (or variants such as Hayleg, Helei, Heley, Helagh, and Helay) found in Lancashire, Northumberland or Yorkshire.  The name means the high clearing or wood, derived from the Old English heah, meaning high and leah, meaning glade or clearing in a wood. Healy is one of  50 common Irish surnames  of modern Ireland, ranking forty-seventh on the list with a total Irish population of about 13,000.   Surname Origin:  Irish, English Alternate Surname Spellings: HEALEY, HEELEY, HEELY,  OHEALY, OHALY, OHELY, OHEALEY, HALY, HELY, HAILY Famous People with the Surname HEALY Mark Healy - American surferCecil Healy - Australian swimmerDermot Healy - Irish novelist, playwright, and poetJames Augustine Healy - first  African-American Roman Catholic bishop in the United StatesRoy Healy - American rocket scientistTimothy Michael Healy - Irish politician ​Genealogy Resources for the Surname HEALY World Names Surname Profiler - Distribution of the HEALY SurnameTrace the geography and distribution of the HEALY surname through this free online database. It is fairly common throughout Ireland, with the greatest concentrations found in western Ireland. HEALY Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Healy surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Healy surname query. FamilySearch - HEALY GenealogyExplore over 2 million results, including digitized records, database entries, and online family trees for the Healy surname and variants on the FREE FamilySearch website, courtesy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. HEALY Surname Family Mailing ListsRootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Healy surname. - HEALY Genealogy Family HistoryFree databases and genealogy links for the last name Healy. Cant find your last name listed? Suggest a surname to be added to the Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins. References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1967.Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. New York:  Oxford University Press, 2003.MacLysaght, Edward.  Surnames of Ireland. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1989.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Pre-2013 Common Application Personal Essay Tips

Pre-2013 Common Application Personal Essay Tips Important Note for 2019-20 Applicants: The Common Application essay options have changed twice since this article was written! Nevertheless, the tips and sample essays below will still provide useful guidance and essay samples for the current Common Application, and both the old and new applications include the topic of your choice option. That said, be sure to read the most up-to-date article on the 2019-20 Common Application Essay Prompts. ________________________________ Heres the original article: The first step to writing a stellar personal essay on your college application is to understand your options. Below is a discussion of the six essay options from the Common Application. Also be sure to check out these 5 Application Essay Tips. Option #1. Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you. Note the key word here: evaluate. You arent just describing something; the best essays will explore the complexity of the issue. When you examine the impact on you, you need to show the depth of your critical thinking abilities. Introspection, self-awareness and self-analysis are all important here. And be careful with essays about the winning touchdown or tie-breaking goal. These sometimes have an off-putting look how great I am tone and very little self-evaluation. Read Drews essay, The Job I Should Have Quit, for an example of option #15 tips for essay option #1 Option #2. Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you. Be careful to keep the importance to you at the heart of your essay. Its easy to get off track with this essay topic and start ranting about global warming, Darfur, or abortion. The admissions folks want to discover your character, passions and abilities in the essay; they want more than a political lecture. Read Sophies essay, The Allegany County Youth Board, for an example of option #25 tips for essay option #2 Option #3. Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence. Im not a fan of this prompt because of the wording: describe that influence. A good essay on this topic does more than describe. Dig deep and analyze. And handle a hero essay with care. Your readers have probably seen a lot of essays talking about what a great role model Mom or Dad or Sis is. Also realize that the influence of this person doesnt need to be positive. Read Maxs essay, Student Teacher, for an example of option #3Read Jills essay, Buck Up, for another example of option #3Read Catherines essay, Diamond in the Rough, for yet another example of option #36 tips for essay option #3 Option #4. Describe a character in fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence. Here as in #3, be careful of that word describe. You should really be analyzing this character or creative work. What makes it so powerful and influential? Read Felicitys essay, Porkopolis, for an example of option #4Read Eileens essay, Wallflower, for another example of option #47 tips for essay option #4 Option #5. A range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds much to the educational mix. Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community, or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you. Realize that this question defines diversity in broad terms. Its not specifically about race or ethnicity (although it can be). Ideally, the admissions folks want every student they admit to contribute to the richness and breadth of the campus community. How do you contribute? Read Carries essay, Give Goth a Chance, for an example of option #55 tips for essay option #5 Option #6. Topic of your choice. Sometimes you have a story to share that doesnt quite fit into any of the options above. However, the first five topics are broad with a lot of flexibility, so make sure your topic really cant be identified with one of them. Also, dont equate topic of your choice with a license to write a comedy routine or poem (you can submit such things via the Additional Info option). Essays written for this prompt still need to have substance and tell your reader something about you. Read Loras essay, Eating Eyeballs, for a sample of option #6

Thursday, November 21, 2019

IBM-Analysis should reflect an understanding of the critical issues of Case Study

IBM-Analysis should reflect an understanding of the critical issues of the - Case Study Example e company was faced with the challenge of finding new opportunities, and coming up with solutions to the problems facing entering the global market, the IBM’s IVT5 team could hardly rub out the clients’ perception of the company being foreign. Kanter (2009) indicates that despite the fact that IBM was properly staffed by local citizens; the company was still perceived as foreign. Hoskins (2011) continues to argue that IBM realized it was facing a problem and that there was need to devise a system that would be flexible enough to serve the clients in a sensible manner, which according to IBM was the sole purpose of being in business. N.d. (2007) also indicates that over the years, the world is becoming global, and it is vital that businesses go the global way. Devoid of this asset in an organization, blunders are likely to occur within hours, let alone days. To deal with the issues at hand, the IBM has no option but to clear the views that the company had a hidden agenda on the beneficiary countries. As seen in the case of Egypt, the countrymen believe that the intrusion of IBM in their country has resulted to an increase in the unemployment rates in the country (Kanter, 2009). This is for the reason that the company opted to employ a great percentage of the workers officials of the IBM Company. In this case, the company needs to familiarize the client countries with the jobs required in the IBM Company. The officials of the company would probably do the managerial jobs so as to oversee that every aspect of the implementation of the policies of the company are being met. It would be advisable that the employees be citizens of the client countries. Additionally, the client countries will feel more involved in the growth and success of the company. In one way or another, the company will gain an upper hand in marketing its products in the client countries. Integration, in this case, will have taken place, and not invasion as Kanter (2009) puts it. The company

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A journal article critique in the family health area - 1

A journal critique in the family health area - Article Example The author employed the methods correctly since all the results indicated that chiropractic care produced positive results that improved the quality of life. However, there might be error in the research, since the author assumes that those who do not get chiropractic care do not get other health services, but in reality they could be receiving other health care in different forms. The evidence in support of the topic can be the 1992 research where people who received chiropractic care had a higher immunity than the average population or cancer patients. Dr. Petro states that chiropractic health care imparts maximum efficiency to whatever genetic makeup one may be possessing, while in the 2005 research, the study indicates that chiropractic health care determines normal physiological process which influence DNA repair and oxidative stress. This implies that subluxations removal has a positive influence on health. The strength of the evidence can be that chiropractic care has positive results on the immune system and can be recommended for quality life, while the weakness can be that those who got chiropractic care may have lived in the same environment which favored the practice or have specific biological background. The author supported the topic by explaining that the immune and nervous system were connected, and therefore manipulating the nervous system would produce a result, which in this case is chiropractic care which has positive results on the immune system. Other authors have conducted chiropractic research. They include shekelle et al (1992) and they concluded that manipulation of the spine fastens recovery from minor low back pains, after literature review on 25 trials. Van Tudler, Bouter and Koes in Netherlands found superior evidence for efficiency of manipulating the spine for chronic back pain. Bronfort (1999) conducted a review and found short term capacity

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Google Analytics Results Essay Example for Free

Google Analytics Results Essay Within a week, your site should get some traffic. The report of this traffic will be found on the dashboard of your site as well as the Google site. Take your screen shot of the main analytics page (from the Google site) and paste it to a word document. In addition to this screen shot, include the following items: 1.Visit the Google site and analyze the total visits, bounce rate, traffic sources, and page views on your site. Write a short paragraph summarizing the specific numbers and what they mean (not the definitions of these fields but what the data is telling you). I found 1 visitor in my Google site. The bounce rate and traffic source was 100%. The page view was 1. 2. List three specific changes you can make to your site to increase the total visits. Search engine optimization is about ways to get your website to the top of search engines: This cannot be stressed enough. I can do this by generating useful content like articles and blogs, by social networking and the development of multimedia. This sounds easy but it’s a lot of hard work. Still, I can also strategically spread my content in different websites while keeping my target niche in mind. Be very careful not to over link to pages within my site, this is a new penalty from Googles most recent update. Use social media: Post compelling content and I’ll soon build a loyal following. Follow and share with other users, who may reciprocate and follow me. Keeping up to date with social media and finding time to post can be tricky, but it’s well worth it. Let people talk and become part of a community and they’ll promote your content for me. This will save me a great deal of time, and it will share much further. Be patient: Search engines need a lot of time to index a new website and domain. They need time to index all my content; its worth the wait and should be factored into my website profitability and/or popularity timeline. In the meantime, continue to add high quality content to my website and keep it up to date and relevant. 3. Write a short paragraph which explains how you could use this tool in the future to help you distribute information or sell products/services on the web more effectively. The good thing about the internet is that I can reach people from different countries of the world. Not only that, I can also find a plethora of great info on the web with a bit of research. Just imagine how my business can benefit from the powers of the internet when online users find me. Your business can be at an advantage if I can create your own website. Your site should be fully optimized and should contain highly relevant content so that online users can easily find me. Provide different pages for various information products that I am trying to sell. I can use articles, images, videos, and other effective marketing tools. What kind of info do I want to sell? Perhaps I can offer the info product in downloadable form or I can have your own shopping cart. The cart can provide a different shopping experience to all your customers and so they will not hesitate to come back again soon. My information products should also be updated regularly. No one is interested in obsolete information and make sure that I focus on the in-demand info or topics. Determine what other people are interested at the moment or perhaps in the near future. From there, I can already create the info products that can provide me with higher earnings. Monitor my sales and take out the ones that don’t get much attention from buyers. I can even ask for feedbacks so that I can choose my products well.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Japanese American Internment: The Economic Consequences Essay example -

United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt once proclaimed that the Pearl Harbor bombings that took place on December 7th, 1941 is, â€Å" a date which will live in infamy.† The events that unfolded that fateful morning not only resulted in a U.S declaration of war against Japan the next day (subsequently promoted Germany/Italy to declare war against U.S three days later), but also proved to be a traumatic landmark event in the history of Japanese Americans. The aftermath of the Pearl Harbor bombings prompted Franklin D. Roosevelt to authorize Executive Order 9066 on February 19th, 1942, which consequently cleared they way for Japanese American internment. In Hawaii, where Japanese Americans made up one-third of the population, only 1200 to 1800 were interned. On the mainland (specifically the West Coast) over 100,000 Japanese Americans were interned. Despite widespread outcry in Japanese American communities, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of these exclusio n orders in the 1944 landmark case Korematsu v. United States. The horrors of internment continued until January 2, 1945 when the exclusion order was nullified, and in 1946 the last internment was closed. Despite being released the hardships and material loss suffered by Japanese American internees were far from over. Many internees who survived this traumatic ordeal not only suffered from psychological problems, but also lost their properties and incomes. Although the U.S. government issued a public apology and compensated surviving former internees under the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, it is still unclear if this adequately compensates former internees for the long-term economic hardships that followed as a result of internment. An estimated 110,000 Japanes... ...oney can bring back deceased family members or reverse the deep psychological scars that remain with some for the rest of their lives. The internment of Japanese Americans in the end teaches us that, â€Å"we are all people, no matter what color or race.† Bibliography 1. â€Å"Life after the nightmare.† Oracle ThinkQuest, 2011. Web. . 2. Chin, Aimee. â€Å"Long-Run Labor Market Effects of Japanese American Internment.† Houston: Department of Economics, University of Houston, 2004. 1-25. Print. 3. Rawls, J. J., & Bean, W. (2008). California: An Interpretive History (9th ed., pp. 189-276). San Francisco, CA: McGraw Hill. 4. Wright, Steven. â€Å"The Civil Liberties Act of 1988.† Dartmouth Education, n.d. Web. .

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Embroideries on Gujrat

Embroideries of Gujarat: ARI work Printing and embroidery in Gujarat reveals a cultural tradition that has evolved through centuries. Most of the best and earliest textiles were created in Gujarat. Printing and embroidery in Gujarat has a huge world market. Varieties of embroidery in Gujarat include: * Toran, the embroidered doorway decoration with hanging flaps, which is said to ventilate good luck. * Pachhitpatis, hanged from the corners as a welcome symbol to the visitors. * Chaklas, used as furniture covers. * Bhitiya, a wall hanging. Abhala, where small mirror discs are fixed with closely worked silken thread. Printing and embroidery in Gujarat is an inherent talent that passes through generations. They excel in making the following: * cholis (bodices) * gaghras (skirts) * odhnis (shawls) * bed spreads * bags * wall hanging * Variety of ornamental pieces for home decor. Source: http://www. blog. gaatha. com/? p=1467#content Ari work and its origin Once adorned by the royalties o f the country, on the sheen of silk and the softness of velvet, the designs always would stand out like a peacock on a rainy day.Of Persian motifs enthralling the costumes and wares creating a luster of luxury and elegance, the art of aari embroidery, zari and zardosi has come a long way,  since its royalty days. Ari embroidery is very old and known for its heavy work. It is done with a cobbler's stitch, which needs much skill and practice. The royal ladies of Kutch who were moved by the Persian motifs like peacock and flowers became great patrons of Ari embroidery. Rabari Embroidery is the most conspicuous work and available easily.The Kutchi Rabaris employ mirrors of different shapes and sizes. Applique or Katab is another form of decorative needlework, more pronounced in Saurashtra, it is done with pieces of colored and patterned fabric, which are nicely cut to make the motif and then stitched on to a plain background to make quilts, curtains and wall hangings. Another very imp ortant aspect of the printing and embroidery in Gujarat are the fabrics with Block Prints. They especially fascinate the foreign tourists. It is the printing of cloth with carved wooden blocks. Needles used for aari workLooking at each of these distinct patterns of work, they are created with precision and a method best known to their artisans. The Aari embroidery, a celebrated and muchadored work of Gujarat, requires not just the perfect stitch but also the understanding of the innate technique by which it is created. The thread is held with a finger at the reverse of the fabric and the  aari, an awl-like needle with a sharp point, is held on the top. How it is made: The aari is pierced through the cloth and the thread is brought to the upper side and used to secure the previous stitch.This  unique stitch, similar to the cobbler’s stitch, is repeated until the desired form is created on the surface of the fabric. The best pieces of fabrics used for this embroidery are of ten  silk or a locally made satin called Gajji. Atlash, a special silk-satin is also used for the purpose. Ari work being done on fabric Threads used Dotted with bootis of various shapes and sizes,  motifs and designs of peacocks, flowers, these embroidered sarees, suits, dupattas and traditional Gujarati ghagra-cholis find themselves to be the centre of  attention for the women across the world.Whereas, the roots of this art in India go as deep as the time of the  Rig Veda  , it prospered during the Mughal Emperor,  Akbar. And with this, came the  Persian influence, which we see in the motifs, materials and the nomenclature today. Zari Zari, a special  gold/silver thread, is often used for  aari embroidery. A fine hook needle is used to make quick chain stitches with the zari. The artisan needs to not only manoeuver the needle with a rapid hand but also make sure that this pace is withheld and is kept  standard for picking the material and meshing with the fabri c. NAKSHAPatterns cannot be directly created on to the fabrics. First, a complete and clear pattern has to be drawn on a  butter paper, designing the same is done by a naksha naviz, who only helps in creating a unique pattern. The paper is then perforated along the lines of the pattern and placed on top of the fabric. Next, the artisans, using chalk, rub the pattern over the fabric, imprinting the required design. Once this has been done, around  six to seven craftsmen take a portion  of the fabric and start the process of embroidering the zari, using a  wooden frame called the â€Å"Hadda†, â€Å"karchop† or â€Å"Khatli†- in Gujarati.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Canterbury Tales: The Wife of Bath Essay

Canterbury Tales is a story written by Geoffrey Chaucer. Geoffrey Chaucer was satirical with most of the characters in Canterbury Tales. The story tells about the journey of a group of pilgrims to Canterbury to the shrine of Thomas a Becket and the stories they tell along the way. The pilgrims are in a competition to see who can tell the best story. The host of the Tabard is in charge of the competition and giving a complimentary dinner to the winner with the best story. Each one of the pilgrims stories reveal a little about them, their personalities and their morals. The pilgrims include people like Chaucer himself, a Knight, a Prioress, a Monk, a Franklin, a Parson, the Wife of Bath and others. Most of the satires of these characters would be the same today as it was back then. For example, the Wife of Bath’s satire would remain the same today, but her occupation would be similar to that of the actress, Joan Collins; both have given out advice due to all of their experience and resolved issues with women in relationships. In the same way that Joan Collins gives advice to women, the Wife of Bath gave advice to women. Joan Collins is a British actress and author who normally plays an adulterous woman in movies and television shows. She writes books giving tips to love and life. Joan’s books include Love & Desire & Hate, The Joan Collins Beauty Book, and Joan’s Way: The Art of Living Well. The Wife of Bath is a slightly satirical character in Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. The Wife of Bath tells a story in Chaucer’s story; it tells of a Knight who was told to find the thing that women most desire. The Knight found the answer to be that women want to have sovereignty over their husbands and lovers. At the end of her tale, the Wife of Bath asked Christ to send women husbands who are â€Å"meek and young and fresh in bed,† (page 150). She wanted women to be able to have complete control over their husbands. The Wife of Bath places a curse on husbands who refuse to be controlled by their wives. Also, the two ladies, the Wife of Bath and Joan Collins, both have the same amount of experience in relationships and marriage. Even though she was married five times, Joan wrote in her autobiography that she â€Å"recounted entanglements with numerous Hollywood stars, near-stars, and others,† (â€Å"Joan Collins†). Like Joan Collins, the Wife of Bath married multiple times and gained wealth from all the marriages. The only difference between the two people, Joan and the Wife of Bath, is that Joan divorced her husbands and the Wife of Bath’s husbands died. So the Wife of Bath was widowed while Joan Collins was divorced. Among the many husbands that they had, Joan Collins and the Wife of Bath were two highly listened to ladies. Like the Wife of Bath stated, â€Å"[she] believes that having experience is the greatest authority, and since she has been married five times, she certainly considers herself an authority on the remedies of love.† (â€Å"Wife of Bath†). Even though neither woman had a long and lasting marriage, they gave out advice on relationship and love. Joan viewed love as something you have to work on because marriage is hard work and does not come easily. The Wife of Bath’s view was always for the woman to have the upper hand in a marriage. She believed they should be in control of their husband or lover at all times. She also stated that if a husband cannot confine to the will of his wife he should be cursed to death. The Wife of Bath’s satire in Canterbury Tales can be easily seen remaining today, due to all the similarities between Joan Collins and the Wife of Bath. The Wife of Bath was never a great role model for anyone to look up to but people listened to her anyways. All five of her marriages led people to believe that she knew what she was talking about. As she was back then, the Wife of Bath would still be the same person. She would still be a wealthy, flashy woman who did not have the best of luck with men. All in all, whether it is in the future or past, the Wife of Bath’s satire can exist. She was someone who liked to stand out and draw attention to herself. She loves superiority and control over other people, especially her husbands and lovers. Today, the Wife of Bath’s satire would be somewhat identical to the actress and author, Joan Collins. Completely as she was then, the Wife of Bath would exist today.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Crystel, a Study in Leadership

Crystel, a Study in Leadership Free Online Research Papers Leadership, as defined by Robert J. Shiver, chairman and CEO of New York City – based Aewav Holdings, Inc., is â€Å"the ability to motivate and guide people toward a goal.† Leadership includes influencing and enabling others to contribute to the successes of the company or team to which one belongs. A key point of leadership has to do with competency. The competency trait includes knowledge, skills, abilities, and values. (McShane Glinow 2005, p. 4) CrysTel, which is based out of Illinois, employs 2,500 people and has annual revenue of $200 million. Their company produces products such as: data cables, wireless solutions, and network development. With in the simulation it identified strong and weak areas within the organization and apply behavioral changes. This would build a culture that could maintain and continue change. When faced with the challenge of bringing on new products to the companies portfolio, in an effort to keep up with the demands of the market, it was essential to asses the areas that were not able and ready to handle this constant change. Some important aspects to consider in making these decisions are leadership quality, communication within the team, and motivation. After the evaluation, it was realized that the performance of any department has a direct relationship to the flow of communication, the kind of leadership, and the level at which the employees are motivated. Once the weakness was identified in each department, the company had to initiate activities that would help the departments change their weaknesses into strengths. When determining those activities, the company had to take into consideration the department’s resistance factors. Activities that were implemented included: constant communication with employees, creating a training calendar and appointing mentors, creating a conflict resolution forum, empowering teams to decide on targets and leaders, etc. â€Å"All organizational structures include two fundamental requirements: the division of labor into distinct tasks and the coordination of that labor so that employees are able to accomplish common goals.† (McShane Von Glinow, 2005, p. 446). CrysTel currently holds an organizational structure of centralization. â€Å"Centralization means that formal decision-making authority is held by a small group of people, typically those at the top of the organizational hierarchy. Most organizations begin with centralized structures, as the founder makes most of the decisions and tries to direct the business toward his or her vision.† (McShane Von Glinow, 2005, p. 451). CrysTel follows this organizational structure with top positions of Chief Executive Officer, Vice President of Technology Development, Vice President of Sales and Delivery, Vice President of Marketing, and Vice President of Human Resources. The individuals at these levels are considered experts of the business and understand the fitness manufacturers industry. Each one of these positions holds power, prestige, and great intelligence. CrysTel uses the functional structure in conjunction with the formalization structure. â€Å"Functional structure organizes employees around specific knowledge or other resources. Employees with marketing expertise are grouped into a marketing unit, those with production skills are located in manufacturing, engineers are found in product development, and so on. Organizations with functional structures are typically centralized to coordinate their activities effectively.† (McShane Von Glinow, 2005, p. 456). CrysTel’s departments of expertise consist of technology development, human resources, technology operations, sales and delivery and marketing. Within each of these departments, there are several levels of leadership: team managers, senior managers, and vice presidents. CrysTel has been continually going through changes with their products with rapid and frequent advances in the telecommunications industry that inevitably lead to new expectations which require new management changes. With the enormous amount of change that occurs in organizations, employees depend on information to reduce the level of uncertainty about what is about to happen next. The better CrysTel can cope with feelings of uncertainty among their employees, the better they can achieve their goals as a profitable, successful company. â€Å"Individuals and work units acquire power by helping the organization to cope with uncertainty. Coping includes any activity that effectively deals with environmental uncertainties affecting the organization.† (McShane Von Glinow, 2005, p. 363). There are three general strategies that help organizations to cope with uncertainty among their employees. They are: prevention, forecasting, and absorption. Prevention being the most powerful tool. Prevention is when the most powerful people in the organization can prevent environmental changes from taking place. Forecasting is the second most powerful tool. With forecasting it is expected that powerful people will try to predict environmental changes or variations. Absorption is when work units also gain power by absorbing the impact of environmental shifts as they occur. All three of these strategies must be practiced by CrysTel for employees to have a sense of certainty in the company. Additional ways to ease employees’ reaction to change is to create visibility and networking methods in the office and to ensure that these methods are known throughout the office. â€Å"Those who control valued resources or knowledge will yield power only when others are aware of these power bases, in other words, when it is visible. Even when someone’s legitimate power has no effect until employees are aware of the person’s position or status in the organization. One way to increase visibility is to take people-oriented jobs and work on projects that require frequent interaction with senior executives.† (McShane Von Glinow, 2005, p. 366). When visibility becomes part of the picture team members seem to be more open to upper management’s ideas and tend to have a greater incentive to be on board with the mission, decisions, and objectives that affect the whole company. Employees want to know what is happening and why, they want to know how it wi ll affect them. When employees know these things they become more apt to go along with the company. Networking is another method to manage reaction to change. Many good things come from networking such as building credibility and trust. â€Å"Networks consist of people who trust each other, which increases the flow of information among those within the network. The more you network, the more likely you will receive valuable information that increases your expert power in the organization.† (McShane Von Glinow, 2005, p. 367). â€Å"Leadership is the ability to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute to the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members.† (McShane Von Glinow, 2005, p. 416). CrysTel needs phenomenal leadership for them to grow and manage large initiatives. â€Å"Leadership isn’t restricted to the executive suite. Anyone in the organization can be a leader.† (McShane Von Glinow, 2005, p. 416). CrysTel must communicate this concept to all employees and bring them on board with the company. Leadership must take place in all levels of the company, from the cubicles on up to the CEO. They must be open minded to new ideas and embrace the thoughts of changing processes that can work more effectively and efficiently. Leadership style should be people-oriented with the seven competencies integrated. The people-oriented leadership style is a leadership style that is well liked. When a boss treats their employee like an equal and listens to their suggestions, they will respect them. trust them and want to work harder for them. Through this style of leadership a greater job satisfaction level, lower absenteeism, grievances, and turnover can be achieved. â€Å"Leaders with strong people-oriented style listen to employee suggestions, do personal favors for employees, support their interests when required, and treat employees as equals.† (McShane Von Glinow, 2004, p. 421). Using the path-goal theory of leadership would be the best. This theory of leadership would fit some situations better than using judgment calls based on the people-oriented theory. â€Å"Path-goal leadership theory is a contingency theory of leadership based on expectancy theory of motivation that relates several leadership styles to specific situational contingencies.† (McShane Von Glinow, 2004, p. 422). Through this theory leaders are able to strengthen the performance-to-outcome expectancy and valences of those outcomes. They are able to do so by ensuring that employees who perform their jobs well have a higher degree of need fulfillment than employees who do not perform well. (McShane Von Glinow, 2005, p. 422). Through the combination of the people-oriented theory of leadership for a foundation and using the path-goal leadership theory in practice, when the timing is right, would be the leadership methods best used for implementing a major initiative. These styles of leadership will work the best for CrysTel because of the people friendly feel they portray. Since, employees resist command driven leadership which results in lower job satisfaction, lower attendance and higher turnover. Each of those implications can be very costly to a company. Employees will work harder for management whom they fell respects them, one who treats them with integrity and shows equality, while making work enjoyable. Transformational leadership is also another great way to lead people and have them understand what the company is all about. The elements of transformational leadership are: creating a vision, communicating the vision, modeling the vision, and building commitment to the vision. Transformational leaders actually perform all of these tasks. They not only come up the vision, they also find effective ways to communicate the vision to the employees while modeling how to fulfill the vision. When the employees see the â€Å"vision maker† actually â€Å"walking the walk† and enacting the vision, naturally they will build commitment to the vision. Using this transformational leadership method to outline what the leaders hoped to accomplish, along with an explanation of what roles the company needed to be filled and what the roles would be doing, and working as a team to make it happen would help them in their pursuit. Together, this will build a commitment to reach the goal as a team and give everyone the drive to achieve the end vision. Recommendation of Measures to Monitor Progress After running the simulation of change management, I feel that the culture at CrysTel is not all positive. Within this simulation I was given the role of researching and analyzing which departments needed changes and which departments were resistant to change. I was also assigned the task of providing the information required to optimize flexibility, promote innovation, and sustain change. I had to identify strong and weak areas of the organization and apply behavior change techniques that would build a culture that would be able to sustain change. During these tasks, I received input from the organization’s perspective and upper management. There were five strong upper management employees who advised me along the way. There were several behavior restrictions that could be altered although I had to figured out what departments needed altering and by how much. Leading by example, employee and senior communication, empowering teams, risk-taking, resolving conflict, and mentori ng sessions were the behaviors I worked with. Certain departments were stronger than others but a few stood out as very weak. These were the sales, and delivery and marketing. The formalization organization structure and the functional organization structure are compatible structures that will work hand in hand. The formalization concept explains how the business is run in terms of organization structure of employees. The function structure describes how the business is structured in terms of functionality. These organizational structures will create a culture that will follow the upper management of greater power and modeling their behaviors. It will also create a more departmentalized structure that thinks about the effects on their department only and does not work in teams with other departments. The functional organization structure should be less about the goals of each department on their own, but more about the department and how it can work with other departments to find best practices, core competencies, and idea sharing. As I worked through the simulation and made decisions based on areas of weakness and resistance to change, I found apprehension among the employees when change occurred. â€Å"Organization politics are behaviors that others perceive as self-serving tactics for personal gain at the expense of other people and possibly the organization. While influence is sometimes beneficial to the organization, organizational politics is usually considered undesirable.† (McShane Von Glinow, 2005, p. 375). â€Å"People have referent power when others identify with them, like them, or otherwise respect them. Like expert power, referent power comes from within the person. It is largely a function of the person’s interpersonal skills and usually develops slowly. Referent power is usually associated with charismatic leadership.† (McShane Von Glinow, 2005, p. 362). This is a much more positive, effective way to use your power to win other subordinates over that you want to buy-into your changes and whom you want to gain respect from. This is an option that I wish I would have had control over in the simulation. When choosing to implement a change in a behavioral parameter, I wish I would have had the option to choose what kind of leadership style this change was implemented with. As our reading spelled out, there are several ways of using power in a negative way and too often, those ways are sometimes easier and take less work or time but do not result in true and genuine feelings from employees. Recommendation of Management Practices that Contribute to the Success of Change Process Change is the tidal wave of irresistible force that occurs in the workplace each day. Employees who try and deny change and expect it never to take place will end up on the outside of the company. There are ways that management can bring about change quickly and gracefully. In an article in KM World, Art Murray of Applied Knowledge Sciences discusses basic techniques to gain focused concentration on vision, mission, strategy and objectives. He points out that performance drivers, key people, processes and technologies can aid in complete transformation when a company practices repetition and the desired change becomes habitual (Murray, 2007). Murray points out three managerial practices that are sure to aid in the success of the organizational change: Focused concentration, relentless repetition, and living embodiment. â€Å"Change cannot occur if energy is misdirected. Vision and mission, strategy and objectives, performance drivers and key people, and processes and technologies must be closely aligned and in balance. Lack of organizational alignment means energy is being wasted in places not critical to the mission. Maximum transfer of energy comes from focusing your efforts only on those key areas having the greatest impact on mission success.† (Murray, 2007). Managers must constantly have the vision and mission in the front of their minds and always be looking for the gaps that are holding the team back. The goal should be to try to close the gaps one at a time. â€Å"Then look for hidden opportunities that can give you even greater results, using what you already have.† (Murray, 2007). Every company is aware of the importance for standard operation procedures and doing things the right way and playing by the rules. A business is efficient and effective when there are specific rules and standards in place for every day operations. These standards serve their purpose when everyone follows them each and every time. If these rules weren’t followed consistently and closely, they would do the company no good. â€Å"Complete transformation can only occur when the desired change in behavior becomes habitual, to the point where the employee no longer has to think about it.† (Murray, 2007). Something that often happens is after the new initiative is launched and all the new standard operating procedures are in place, new training has been done, execution doesn’t follow. The employees slowly begin to fall back to their old habits and get caught up in day to day operations â€Å"That’s where repetition comes in. As the leading change agent, a manager must continue to bang the drum relentlessly. And if the manager is not focused, the message will quickly get lost among the distractions. A clear theme, with a clear result, communicated many times over, will eventually take hold.† (Murray, 2007). The final concept is living embodiment, not just talking the talk but actually walking the walk. If the manager practices what he preaches to his team, the team is more likely to follow his actions. Not only does this aid in demonstrating to the team how the action is to be performed but is also shows the real belief and support the manager gives to the change. Murray also brings up a very simple concept of lessons learned that can save companies millions. â€Å"Lessons-learned can save the company money by eliminating the waste that comes from repeated mistakes. At the end of each task or activity, take some time to document what worked, what didn’t work and how to do it better. Uncover the root cause of the problem and correct it.† (Murray, 2007). This drill will often times uncover a gap in the process or inadequate controls that allow shortcuts or inappropriate standards. This short but important task could save the company time and money in the long run. As the world changes and the consumers change with it companies will need to follow suit. Those who do not follow suit will fall by behind and die out. CrysTel needs to get their employees on board and ready and willing to embrace change. Once they have embraced change have found the best form of leadership for their company they will be able to move forward with confidence that they will succeed. â€Å"Don’t even think about not practicing the change yourself. If you can’t stick to it, don’t expect others to. The real challenge is finding the balance in challenging work habits while delivering a measurable boost in performance.† (Murray, 2007). References McShane, Steve L Von Ginlow Marry Ann. (2005). Organizational Behavior: Emerging Realities for the Workplace Revolution. Retrieved from McShane, Steve L Von Ginlow Marry Ann, MMPBL/520 website. Murray, Art. (2007). The Future of the Future: Overcoming resistance to change. KM World, 16(19),Retrieved from University of Phoenix. (200?). Building a Culture for Sustaining Change [Computer Software]. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, Simulation, MMPBL/520 website. Research Papers on Crystel, a Study in LeadershipAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaThe Project Managment Office SystemOpen Architechture a white paperBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductResearch Process Part OneDefinition of Export QuotasPETSTEL analysis of IndiaTwilight of the UAW