Thursday, February 20, 2020

Aboriginal history in north america-the circle of life with mention of Essay

Aboriginal history in north america-the circle of life with mention of the medicine wheel - Essay Example There were numerous ways in which the circle of life is interpreted, all of which illustrate the need for harmonious existence with others and nature. The medicine wheel is a physical manifestation of spiritual energy, through which one can visualize surrounding events, which allowed the Aboriginals to be in harmony with the self and nature by creating notions of new life and renewal (Liebmann 69). The circle illustrates continuity of nature and in human beings, while the four points bear different meanings, for instance, nature’s four elements that are: fire, earth, air and water are all part of the same physical world and should be respected (The Sacred Foundation of Aboriginal Education 5). In addition, it is indicative of human development stages as well as the human potentialities, which include mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. The circle of life also teaches that the symbolic races are part of the same human family, and should live in harmony as brothers and sisters. In this regard, as the Europeans explored the new territory, they would be compelled to respect nature and other races present before them. Thus, the Aboriginal people continued with their beliefs regardless of the prevailing new influence and culture (Bramadat and Seljak 266). Winnipeg, Manitoba. Cultural & Spiritual Values The Sacred Foundation of Aboriginal Education 2012, Sustaining our Ways: Educating for Sustainability. 2012. Web. 9 Oct. 2012.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Exploring Organisations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Exploring Organisations - Research Paper Example Information was gathered on several main areas by searching the given case study, academic libraries, websites and reports. Best Management Practices that include the proper handling, storage and disposal of oil should be adopted instead of dumping the oil into near by river . Purchase recycled products such as oil and grease. By doing so, you help ensure a use for recyclable materials. Wash greasy equipment such as vents and vehicles in designated wash areas with an appropriate oil/water separator before storing outside. Ensure that designated wash areas are properly connected to the sewer system. To solve issues autocratic management and issues in communication between the strategic management and the works manager and works staff caused due to the resignation of works director which in turn led to many disputes: Democratic style: In contrast to the autocratic style, the organization should use democratic decision-taking in many parts of the business. Everyone has the opportunity to contribute ideas to the decision. There are two types of democratic decision-making: To solve disputes arising out of lack of involvement and communication with the work force and issues arising out of scientific management approach which leads to very little communication with work force exists: Open door policy should be adopted in certain areas t... Recommendations To solve pollution issue caused by leakage of oil from servicing vehicles to near by river: Best Management Practices that include the proper handling, storage and disposal of oil should be adopted instead of dumping the oil into near by river . Purchase recycled products such as oil and grease. By doing so, you help ensure a use for recyclable materials. Wash greasy equipment such as vents and vehicles in designated wash areas with an appropriate oil/water separator before storing outside. Ensure that designated wash areas are properly connected to the sewer system. To solve issues autocratic management and issues in communication between the strategic management and the works manager and works staff caused due to the resignation of works director which in turn led to many disputes: Democratic style: In contrast to the autocratic style, the organization should use democratic decision-taking in many parts of the business. Everyone has the opportunity to contribute ideas to the decision. There are two types of democratic decision-making: 1. Persuasive democratic management - here the leader makes the decision first and then persuades employees that he or she has made the right decision 2. Consultative democratic management - this involves the group contributing to the decision making process, with the leader making the final decision. To solve disputes arising out of lack of involvement and communication with the work force and issues arising out of scientific management approach which leads to very little communication with work force exists: Open door policy should be adopted in certain areas to make the work force feel important. Their views and problems should be attended to sincerely and they should be